The diversity of the Nahe
Our Sites

"With an execptional vineyard portfolio, Weingut Korrell can represent the proximity and its diversity
like not many can." International Riesling Symposium 2022

Korrell's map

Click on each site to find out more!
Kreuznacher PARADIES IM HONIGBERG Norheimer KIRSCHHECK Norheimer DELLCHEN Niederhäuser KLAMM Map Area Title Schlossböckelheimer FELSENBERG





Am Bosenberg, Kreuznach














In addition to the successful conversion to organic viticulture, moderate growth is our stated goal. This meant we were able to gain the best single sites along the Nahe in 2021.
With our heart, the KREUZNACHER PARADISE and locations in the middle Nahe, such as NORHEIMER DELLCHEN, NORHEIMER KIRSCHHECK, SCHLOSSBÖCKELHEIMER FELSENBERG and NIEDERHÄUSER KLAMM, we can consistently develop our wine style at the highest level. We do not see the production of top products and organic cultivation as a contradiction, but as an opportunity.

With our vineyard portfolio, we can reflect the Nahe as a growing region with all its diversity like no other winery.

Try the six single sites combined in our Löwenkiste.

Natural winegrowing
certified organic since 2023

For us, switching to organic viticulture means one thing above all: staying close to nature, trusting it and fully understanding its needs.
Wine doesn't just grow like that, the vines are sensitive plants that are heavily dependent on the climate and annual weather conditions. They need to be cared for and looked after, and in organic viticulture there is one main tool: our hands...

Boden und Sand in der Hand mit Finger draufzeigen
Sustainable out of conviction
Biologischer Weinbau
Of course, Korrell

Sustainability is diverse and profound - it has a lot to do with consideration, responsibility for future generations and holistic thinking. That's why we implement this theme not only in the vineyard, but also in the way we deal with our team, in the daily logistical processes of the winery and also in our investments.
Certification according to the ZNU standard for sustainable corporate governance is the next logical step that we will implement in the coming months. Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a difference and if each of us takes just one step, we will all make rapid progress!

since 2023
certified organic
After three years in transition with many climatic challenges, we have done it and are officially certified organic. We are proud because the importance of the topic is increasing every day.
10% lighter
All of our estate wines are filled in bottles made of lightweight glass. This saves us transport and energy costs, which cannot be avoided.
Solar systems
35% own electricity
With our solar systems we produce climate-neutral solar energy that works independently and causes no emissions. At the same time, the electricity consumed in Germany is made greener and contributes a small part to the energy transition.
UPS carbon neutral supports projects that offset emissions caused by the transportation of the shipment. Projects such as reforestation, destruction of methane and landfill gases are supported.
Weinkartons aus 80% Altpapier
80% waste paper
Our aim is to conserve resources during production and protect the climate. It is therefore important to improve packaging and avoid it wherever possible. In addition to using less packaging material, our boxes consist of 80% recycled paper.
Does everything have to be economical these days? Can't there also be things that simply make sense? Our heart projects, sheep, bees and sponsored children, all have a common meaning. They bring joy to us and others and perhaps make the world a little bit better...You can get the latest information about the further development of our heart-felt projects on Instagram or in the newsletter.
viele Bienen Nahaufnahme
der korrell wald
Wir forsten auf
Wir versuchen so nachhaltig wie möglich zu arbeiten. Dennoch verbrauchen Briefversand, Verpackung der Weinflaschen, Holzpaletten sowie der Druck unserer Weinkarten und viele Dinge mehr, im Jahr eine Menge an Papier, die ca. 80 Bäumen entspricht. Deshalb pflanzen wir hier gemeinsam mit den Landesforsten Rheinland Pfalz gezielt robuste Baumsorten wie Kastanien, um gegen den Klimawandel unseren Beitrag für heimische Wälder zu leisten.
Our donation project
We support the Carolinenhof in Essen! A riding school where children with and without disabilities can learn from each other and have fun together.
At the end of the shopping cart you also have the opportunity to support us with your donation.
Enjoy wine consciously
Wine in moderation
We are a member of the “Wine in Moderation” initiative and are committed to responsible and sustainable use of wine. Our goal is to preserve the cultural value of wine.


UPS Sustainability
Wine in Moderation